Monday, 16 February 2015

Kitty Parties For Leisure

How often have you walked into a restaurant only to discover a bunch of ladies, all dolled up in their best attire, silently sipping from their glass of wines, and leisurely lunching while laughing all the gossip away? More often than not, the feeling of watching the giggly girls (ladies would be more appropriate, though) is overwhelming. Overwhelming, because the sight comes across as a rather warm where you see these women finding comfort and sisterhood at the regular soirees. Kitty Parties, as they fondly call them.

You may call them a ‘get together’, or a hang out, or a catch-up—a kitty party doesn’t stop being a rather over the top, extravagantly quirky affair. The words might be deceptive, but this is the kind of deception that brings solace to the working women strapped off all the fun and rest.

But there is a reason why a kitty party is called kitty party in the first place. Kitty refers to the amount collected at the party, a specific amount every women pools in the beginning so that the collective amount can be handed over to the lady who wins it all. Every member has to contribute a certain amount per month for the kitty to take place, says one of the best kitty planners in Delhi. The hosting member organizes everything—right from zeroing out on the top kitty party themes to making arrangements for all the food.

While many people look upon at kitty parties as an upper-class like affair and dismiss them with contempt and derogation, the simple truth is that it is merely a means of escape from the monotony of routine life. And then, why should women resist kitty parties in the first place? The concept, especially the kitty, is seen as a support initiative for the women who need the financial help the most amongst the other members.

For more details please check

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