Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Advantages of being a kitty person

What’s the thing with Kitty Parties?

Every woman, now even men, too seem to disparage kitty parties, too. Women (now men, too!) decide to form a group and ask their friends to join in until a group of 12 or so women is formed. They meet up once a while during the weekday, and each woman contributes a specific amount into the kitty. Lots are drawn and out of the lot there is one woman who gets all the money.

Kitty party planning for business are pretty organized in nature and there are rules that one has to abide by. Like the person who gets the kitty is supposed to host the lunch which further means that she will be the organizer and will have to call up everybody to confirm the time and venue.

Following are the advantages of being in a kitty!


Have a look.

Educational: The trend to have educative kitty parties is fast catching up. Gone are the days when women would just catch up and gossip; the need to have educative and informative conversations is being identified with for the sake of gaining of knowledge.

Socializing: Joining a kitty is a fab way to know new people, especially when you are new in the city. Expanding your social network becomes easier if you have kitty people to engage with, which otherwise becomes difficult when you know no one else in the city.

Money: Now that’s one splendid reason to be a part of a kitty. So once every year you become insanely rich without doing anything at all, except for being a part of the kitty. You can splurge the money on anything you like- wardrobe or jewellery. There are times when a kitty person is short on money. So the kitty collectively and voluntarily hands over all the money to the person.

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